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Did you know that traditional Thai massage is as effective a form of therapy for pain relief as many medical drugs? Thai massage is a dry massage therapy applied with different stretching movements similar to yoga. It is beneficial for most organs in the body. So what do we know about the benefits of this effective therapy method? There are several ways of traditional thai massage some of them relaxes muscles and reduces pain, provides mental relief and strengthens immunity.

One of the major effect is relaxes muscles and reduces pain. We can explain like that the pressure, pull, and movement or trembling movements applied during massage increase regional blood circulation, thus relieving the muscles and reducing the pain. For example if you re moving out of the house, you re lifting a lot of heavy stuff, so your body isn t used to that much weight.what s more, you can get a traditional Thai massage when your muscle pain begin.

Another effect of traditional thai massage is provides mental relief. It reduces the level of the stress hormone by half, and therefore the symptoms of anxiety are also relieved. Moreover you will have high energy after massage. For instance that s why who are nervous at work prefer massage more.

The last important effect of traditional thai massage is strengthens immunity. At this point, thriving blood circulation helps the body to dispose of toxins. In this way, the immune system is strengthened. Physiotherapists says that the reason for the increase in the number of lymphocytes in a person receiving a 45-minute massage is white blood cells, which play a large role in protecting the body from diseases. That s why, individuals with low immune systems should prefer massage.

As a result, traditional Thai massage has many benefits for people. Some peoples called that lazy yoga. People will be healthier if they incorporate traditional thai massage in lives. If you work at the desk job for more than 40 hours a week, you should get yourself a suitable massage program. This will change your lifestyle for the better.